The Ethos of Professional Courtesy

Is it fair for a real estate agent to try to steal another agent’s client? What if it’s in that client’s best interests to switch? This issue came up recently in a discussion on the Inman Coast to Coast group on Facebook, sparked by a comment from a broker complaining about a Redfin practice.  Apparently, when…

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Stop Thinking Like a Salesperson!

Note: This week, I will be delivering a quick talk at the Connect On the Road Conference in Washington DC on “Stop Thinking Like a Salesperson.”  For people at the conference who want to review the points I made, here is a version of that talk that I wrote for the blog a few years ago.…

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Real Estate's "Original Sin" — Agents are not Salespeople

I had an opportunity this past week to talk with Brad Inman of Inman Media as part of his “Unlisted” Podcast.  It was interesting, because ideas that I would normally take hours to develop on the paper for an article came out real time in about 15 minutes.  Podcasts are fun — you start recording,…

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Why Agents Should Stop it With the Politics on Facebook

You need to stop it with the politics on Facebook. Yes, you, I’m talking to you. You. Need. To. Stop. With. The. Politics. On. Facebook. Listen, I understand. You’re passionate about Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders, or religious freedom, or Black Lives Matter, or whatever. That’s great. Really. You’re a concerned citizen, and you care.…

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