Rules for CORE Agents #7: Talk Less, Listen More

Real estate agents talk too much.  It’s sort of an occupational hazard.  The whole industry has bought into the idea, for example, of a listing “presentation” as the cornerstone of the industry. That’s why agents get sucked into doing these hourlong “presentations” where they yammer on and on about their 27 point marketing programs and…

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Rules for CORE Agents #6: Stop Annoying People!

The real estate industry has become very good at annoying people.  Anytime there’s a new technology for communicating with people, agents seize on the new medium to inundate their clients, friends, and random people they don’t even know with information that those people don’t care about. Take, for example, those emails that go out to…

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Rules for CORE Agents #4: Be a Giver, Not a Taker

What do you think is the greatest force for driving sales in any business?  If I were to ask you that question, you’d probably say something like marketing, or making cold calls, or developing a sphere, or whatever you just heard about at your last sales conference. They’re all fine answers, but they’re all wrong. …

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Rules for CORE Agents #3: Everyone Moves Eventually

So you’re at an open house. You schlep over to the corner, put up your signs, tie up some ballons.  You tidy up, set out your show sheets, and stand expectantly at the entrance waiting, hoping, PRAYING that someone will visit, staring at the door like a sad puppy waiting for his master to come…

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Rules for CORE Agents #2: Everyone Needs a Real Estate Agent

Most people mistakenly think they only need real estate agents when they are buying or selling a home.  They’re wrong, obviously.  People need real estate agents ALL THE TIME.   They need agents when they’re thinking of putting an addition on their home, and want to know whether it’s a good investment.  They need agents when…

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